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Peter Schnall, MD, MPH

Dr. Peter Schnall is the Co-Director of the Healthy Work Campaign, as well as the Founder and Director of the Center for Social Epidemiology. An internist and epidemiologist, Peter has been studying the impact of working conditions on the development of hypertension among workers for over 40 years, as well as promoting increasing awareness among students, colleagues and the public of the important role psychosocial work stressors play in the development of chronic mental and physical illnesses.

Dr. Schnall leads the academic interdisciplinary research team that includes himself, Marnie Dobson, Paul Landsbergis, Pouran Faghri, Ellen Rosskam, David LeGrande, Viviola Gomez-Ortiz, and Juan Gabriel Ocampo Palacio. Peter’s role as Co-Director of the Healthy Work Campaign includes supervising the HWC in collaboration with the HWC team, developing contacts and relationships with potential HWC partners, and as a writer of web pages, blogs, and other materials to promote the Campaign.

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