healthy work campaign logo
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The Healthy Work Campaign (HWC) is looking for organizations to partner with.

Work stressors are not only harmful to worker health, but are costly to the health and profitability of organizations as well. The good news is: 1) work stressors are preventable, as are their health and economic costs for individuals and for organizations, and 2) your organization can be part of the solution.

Does your organization want to TAKE PART in making healthy work a reality at your workplace and throughout the U.S.? 

Join Us!

  1. Join the #healthywork movement & get HWC updates.
  2. Sign the pledge to support the HWC.
  3. Apply to become an HWC Partner.

HWC Partners are a critical part of our campaign and will receive the following benefits:

  • Sharing our platform to create awareness about your organization
  • Participating in the conversation about how to make work healthy and sustainable for all stakeholders in the U.S.
  • Receiving early access to HWC tools and resources which can be used to help reduce work stress and the costs of unhealthy work
  • Participating in our campaign strategy development and influencing our next steps

Apply Now

Have more questions about what it means to be an HWC Partner?
Read our Partner FAQ sheet and Contact Us if you have any questions.

With your help, we can make #healthywork possible and more common in the U.S.
