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Ways To SupportThumbnail arrow

Take Action

The Healthy Work Campaign aims to inspire action from all #healthywork stakeholders, so we can make healthy work a reality in our workplaces and communities throughout the U.S. and beyond.

With your support, we can begin to challenge unhealthy work practices and promote healthy work solutions to improve well-being and reduce mental health problems and chronic illnesses.

Get Involved!

JOIN the Movement – To continue to learn more about healthy work and receive occasional campaign updates, subscribe to our newsletter.

PLEDGE Your Support – Sign the pledge to support healthy work!

SHARE Your Story – Whether you’re speaking as an individual or for your organization, we want to hear about 1) your experiences with unhealthy/harmful work, as well as 2) your success stories about how you achieved healthier work.

PARTNER with Us – If your organization is ready to pledge support for healthy work and collaborate on achieving our shared goals, we would love you to become our partner. (Not sure? Check out our Partners.)

ADVOCATE for Healthy Work – If you or your organization still want to do more to promote healthy work in your workplace, community and throughout the U.S., take our suggested #healthywork advocacy steps, including sharing our Healthy Work Agenda and more.

DONATE – If you value our assessment tools and other resources to improve job quality and health, and want to ensure that we’re able to continue to provide helpful resources to individuals, employers and labor organizations, please visit our Donate page and consider giving what you can.
