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Healthy Work Agenda

The Healthy Work Agenda is designed to promote understanding, discussions, and actions that advance “healthy work.” (See Principles of Healthy Work.)

Created to support the Healthy Work Campaign, the Agenda is a set of actions to improve the quality of jobs and promote “healthy work.” Those actions are part of an effort to encourage “thinking big” about what’s needed to create healthy work in the U.S.

The Agenda can start a conversation or support existing discussions or activities. Individuals, employers, unions and worker organizations can support just one or a number of action items listed.

Are you looking for #healthywork actions as an individual?

Check out our Healthy Work Agenda for Individuals page.

Are you looking for #healthywork actions as an employer?

Check out our Healthy Work Agenda for Employers page.

Are you looking for #healthywork actions as a union or worker advocate?

Check out our Healthy Work Agenda for Unions & Worker Advocates page.

Please be sure to let us know how you’ve used it, and what happened.
