Healthy Work Blog
David LeGrande, HWC Labor Outreach Coordinator, and the PRO Act
The Healthy Work Campaign is pleased to welcome our friend and colleague David LeGrande. David is a 50 year veteran of the U.S. labor movement and for most of that time served as the Occupational Safety and Health Director with the Communications Workers of America....
Efforts to Reduce COVID-19-related Work Stressors
The Healthy Work Campaign recently posted a series of Healthy Work Strategies case studies by our research associate Paul Landsbergis and graduate student researchers at SUNY Downstate, about the various efforts groups have made to reduce the significant stress...
Healthy Work Survey for Individuals — Launched!
This week, the Healthy Work Campaign, the Center for Social Epidemiology and collaborating researchers, are proud to have launched the Healthy Work Survey - For Individuals. This free, anonymous, online tool is for individual working people to assess the “health” of...
Essential Workers, Co-morbidities and Covid-19 Risk
The provision of healthy working conditions to all workers is critical to ensure their mental and physical health as well as their rapid recovery after COVID-19. In an article under review at an occupational health academic journal, our HWC team led by Dr. Pouran...
Enforcement of Public Health Orders is Essential for Healthy Work
CAL-OSHA is the latest in a number of states that have passed an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) to specifically protect workers from COVID-19. While federal OSHA has resisted passing any specific worker safety regulations regarding COVID; Virginia, Oregon,...
Linking job characteristics to mortality
This past week, an article in the Journal of Applied Psychology of the American Psychological Association found that job demands affect employee health outcomes. In This job is (literally) killing me: A moderated-mediated model linking work characteristics to...
Health and safety consequences of Reopening Schools
Marnie Dobson, PhD, Pouran Faghri, MD In July as part of the Healthy Work Campaign, we published Reopening Schools: Mental Health vs Health & Safety on the debate raging in the U.S. about whether schools (K-12) could safely re-open in the fall for in-person...
Letter to the editor re air travel published by JAMA
When Passengers Remove Masks Flying Remains a Risk Published Oct 1 Peter Schnall, Professor of Medicine | U of California at Irvine Airlines continue to make progress in improving the safety of passengers from contacting and contracting Covid-19. The filtered air in...
CDC Reverses Itself Once Again. They are STILL WRONG.
The CDC has reversed itself once again about the transmissibility of the COVID-19 virus. On their website — updated yesterday — they said “A draft version of proposed changes to these recommendations was posted in error to the agency’s official website. CDC is...
Workplace conditions that are contributing to the Covid-19 epidemic
Workplace conditions for essential workers typically have three characteristics that contribute to increased risk of exposure to the Covid-19 virus and, once infected, more severe illness:Enclosed spacesHigh population densityPersistent work stressors contribute to...