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Healthy Work Blog

What Healthy Work Could Mean for Retail Workers this Holiday Season

This holiday season, the Healthy Work Campaign urges employers and the public to have consideration and to express gratitude for the many workers whose work becomes highly demanding and stressful during the holidays. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in...

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What is wrong with the U.S.? HWC team members weigh in on “Deaths of Despair,” falling life expectancy, and recent interview with Case and Deaton on MSNBC

By Paul Landsbergis, Donald Goldmacher & Peter Schnall In a recent conversation, HWC team members, Paul Landsbergis, Donald Goldmacher and Peter Schnall weighed in on the complex factors - including work - that may be giving rise to falling life expectancy in the...

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Healthy Work as “Stress Management”: ISMA-Brazil 2023

I recently returned from a very long, but worthwhile, journey to Porto Alegre, in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I was invited to present by Ana Maria Rossi, President of the International Stress Management Association (ISMA), Brazil, in a two-day...

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John Froines – From Chicago 7 to Work Organization Champion

“…Dr. John Froines was also an environmental and occupational health scientist, deeply committed to improving the health and safety of working people. Our HWC Director, Dr. Peter Schnall, and our Labor Outreach Strategist, David Le Grande, both knew and worked with Dr. Froines. We interviewed them and found out that John was also a great supporter of healthy work organization.”

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