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HWC Quick FAQs

What is the Healthy Work Campaign?

The Healthy Work Campaign (HWC) is a public health campaign focused on raising awareness in the U.S. about the health impacts of work stress on working people. We provide expert guidance about the positive actions individuals and organizations can take to advance healthy work.

The Healthy Work Campaign is a project of the Center for Social Epidemiology (CSE), a 501c3 nonprofit.

What is your mission?

We aim to share knowledge, tools and strategies with working people and other workplace stakeholders to reduce sources of stress at work, and improve working conditions and worker health. (Learn more here.)

What is ‘healthy work’?

‘Healthy work’ minimizes toxic work stressors that take a toll on the health and productivity of working people. Healthy work is respectful, just, more sustainable, and promotes health and well-being. (See our What is healthy work? and Research pages to learn more.)

What is ‘unhealthy work’?

‘Unhealthy work’ is a shorthand term for work organized in a way which chronically exposes working people to work stressors. (See What is Healthy Work? for more info.)

Who started this campaign?

The Center for Social Epidemiology (CSE), a Los Angeles-based non-profit organization founded in 1988 and an active member of the NIOSH Total Worker Health® Affiliate Program, initiated and financially supports this campaign. Visit Who We Are to learn more.

Who else is affiliated with the campaign?

See our growing list of Partners on our FAQ page.
