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The Healthy Work Campaign (HWC) is a public health campaign focused on raising awareness in the U.S. about the health impacts of work stress on working people. We provide expert guidance about the positive actions individuals and organizations can take to advance healthy work.

The Healthy Work Campaign is a project of the Center for Social Epidemiology (CSE), a 501c3 nonprofit. The CSE, founded in 1988 by Dr. Peter Schnall and his family, is a non-profit organization that has been conducting and sharing decades of scientific research on workplace stress and its effects on worker mental health and cardiovascular disease.

To advance the important work of the CSE and support other organizations invested in improving work, in 2019, we launched the Healthy Work Campaign with the mission to:

share knowledge, tools and strategies with working people and other workplace stakeholders to reduce sources of stress at work, and improve working conditions and worker health


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