Today, April 26th, David LeGrande, the Healthy Work Campaign’s Labor Outreach Coordinator & Strategist, made a presentation for a two-day webinar titled, “Safety and Health at Work 2022: Social dialogue and collaboration to build a positive safety and health culture.”

This webinar, organized by CISS and CIESS* in honor of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, aims to connect different perspectives on the workplace, including researchers, workers, union representatives, and international authorities.

David was asked to speak on his efforts in the Labor Movement and what the Healthy Work Campaign has done to address the safety and health concerns of workers.

In addition, David introduced and led participants through the Healthy Work Campaign/ Health Work Survey process, encouraging them to visit to better familiarize themselves with it and use our resources and tools.

*The American Commission for the Prevention of Risks at Work, in coordination with the Research Area of the Inter-American Centre for Social Security Studies

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