On November 21st, the Curiosity Invited podcast published David Bryan’s recent interview with Dr. Marnie Dobson Zimmerman and Dr. Peter Schnall: “Work Can Kill.”

Curiosity Invited podcast interview preview - David Bryan, Marnie Dobson & Peter Schnall

Curiosity Invited podcast interview preview – David Bryan, Marnie Dobson & Peter Schnall

In the interview at 27:58, Dr. Schnall states, “It’s an incredible problem to educate our society to what work is doing to people in our modern society when the workers themselves…, who are experiencing these stressors, are unaware of the fact that they are being damaged by this. There’s a reason why they call high blood pressure the silent killer…”

And at 31:28, Dr. Dobson states, “As we see these epidemics—mental health problems, depression, more cardiovascular disease, more hypertension–around the world now, we have to consider what are some ways of preventing that increase in hypertension and cardiovascular disease. How do we try to prevent ill health? One of the ways…is by adjusting and considering stress in the workplace.”

To learn more about the Center for Social Epidemiology, our goals for the Healthy Work Campaign, and how change can happen, check out the full interview here.

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