Just this week, the NIOSH Total Worker Health® in Action! quarterly newsletter featured the Healthy Work Campaign with the below excerpt:

Healthy Work Pledge Spurs Critical Dialogue

The Healthy Work Campaign, a public health initiative of the Center for Social Epidemiology (a nonprofit and TWH Affiliate), is excited to introduce the Healthy Work Pledge.

Want to know what we mean by “Healthy Work”? Check out the Pledge! The Pledge is designed to start a dialogue between employers, labor unions, government, health and safety professionals, and working people about how to reimagine U.S. workplaces to reduce sources of work stress and improve the health and well-being of workers. The coalition around the Healthy Work Pledge is growing. Sign up as an organization or individual to help build the movement for healthy work.

Click the images below to check out our latest English and Spanish versions of the Healthy Work Pledge graphic.

Healthy Work Pledge graphic in English, by the Healthy Work Campaign    This is the Spanish version of the Healthy Work Pledge graphic.

The TWH newsletter also mentioned “Highlights From the 3rd International Symposium to Advance TWH” with a link to session abstracts, where you can find the abstract from HWC director Dr. Marnie Dobson and co-director Dr. Peter Schnall’s presentation: “The Healthy Work Campaign: Findings from the first year of use of the Healthy Work Survey.”

The Center for Social Epidemiology, the nonprofit supporting the Healthy Work Campaign, is a NIOSH Total Worker Health affiliate. Learn more about the NIOSH Total Worker Health® Program here.

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