Category: News

John Froines – From Chicago 7 to Work Organization Champion

“…Dr. John Froines was also an environmental and occupational health scientist, deeply committed to improving the health and safety of working people. Our HWC Director, Dr. Peter Schnall, and our Labor Outreach Strategist, David Le Grande, both knew and worked with Dr. Froines. We interviewed them and found out that John was also a great supporter of healthy work organization.”

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Workers Memorial Day April 28, 2020

At 11am this morning the world stopped to recognize International Workers Memorial Day (April 28) and remember the tens of thousands of workers who die on the job every year and especially those who have died this year from COVID-19. We at the Healthy Work Campaign...

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What We Are Reading Now

Here's what we are reading now "Chris Cuomo, Stay in Bed” (Politico, April 6, 2020) "Gaps in Amazon’s Response as Virus Spreads to More Than 50 Warehouses" (NY Times, April 5, 2020) "The Amazon Warehouse Worker Who Can’t Stay Home" (GEN/Medium, March 24, 2020) "Nurses...

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Job Posting (revised Feb 10 2020)

Job Posting (revised Feb 10 2020) Part-time Outreach Coordinator Needed for the Healthy Work Campaign @Center for Social Epidemiology and the Healthy Work Campaign The Center for Social Epidemiology (CSE) is a small, nonprofit organization located in Los Angeles, CA...

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